About me

Hello! I'm Yashkumar Khorja, a software engineer with a Master's in Applied Computer Science from Dalhousie University and a Bachelor's in Information Technology from Gujarat Technological University. With experience at Ridecell and Simform, I've led the development of innovative web platforms and optimized data processes, enhancing user engagement and system efficiency.

Skilled in React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Ruby, Python, and various frameworks and cloud technologies, I have built projects like SnapCraft, LetThemCook, and ResumeParser. My passion for full-stack development and cloud technologies drives me to continuously seek new challenges and contribute to impactful projects.


  1. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

    Masters in Applied Computer Science 2023 - Present

    CGPA: 4.1/4.3
    Courwork: Data Management & Warehousing Analytics, Advanced Topics in Software Development, Advanced Web Services, Advanced Cloud Computing

  2. G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology

    Bachelors of Engineering in Information Technology 2017 — 2021

    CGPA: 8.94/10
    Coursework: Programming Languages (C, C++, Java, Python), Data Structure and Algorithms, Operating System, Computer Graphics



Work Experience

  1. Ridecell, Pune, India (Remote)

    Associate Software Developer (Full Time) Aug. 2021 — June 2023

    • Spearheaded the development of the NEMO: Scenario Query Engine Web Platform (SaaS) using Figma, React JS, Redux, Flask, and AWS, essential for annotators to efficiently create, test, and visualize various driving scenarios.
    • Oversaw all aspects of UI development as the Frontend Developer following Agile methodologies, boosting user engagement metrics by 20% and enhancing user interaction rates.
    • Engineered the Frontend from scratch, enabling users to generate queries for extracting and visualizing real-world scenarios from autonomous vehicle data, which produces up to 4TB of data per hour.
    • Contributed to the development more than 20% customizable and reusable React UI components for Ridecell's extensive UI library within cross functional team using Material UI and Storybook.
    • Implemented AWS Athena/Presto/Trino for Ridecell’s in house query language execution, optimizing data retrieval and analysis processes.
    • Utilized AWS Cognito for authentication and AWS S3 for storage of video files, optimizing user management, data access and management for high-volume data workflows, leading to a 25% increase in data retrieval efficiency.
    • Created APIs for query metrics generation using Python/Flask and micro services architecture, enhancing data analysis and reporting capabilities.
    • Documented the frontend codebase to ensure seamless knowledge transfer and continuity and conducted training sessions for the team on JavaScript and React JS, reducing onboarding time for new developers by 30%.

  2. Simform, Ahmedabad, India

    Software Engineer Apr. 2021 - Jun. 2021

    • Contributed to the development of a VPN Management Platform project using React JS and Node JS.
    • Executed a smooth transition of the platform from React-Bootstrap components to proprietary UI library components using Storybook within a Micro-Frontend architecture, reducing page load times by 15% and improving user experience.
    • Developed REST APIs for Networks module, one of the Platform’s modules using Node.js, ensuring seamless integration with updated front-end components.
    • Authored technical documentation, troubleshot issues, and provided technical support, resulting in a 10% improvement in system efficiency and a 15% reduction in support tickets.

  3. Simform, Ahmedabad, India

    Software Engineer Intern Jan. 2021 - Mar. 2021

    • Acquired hands-on experience in React JS, Node JS, and GraphQL through rigorous training within 30 days.
    • Improved a route navigation feature using React-Leaflet and TomTom API in a client project, which was used by over 100 companies for efficient navigation solutions.
    • Actively participated in daily stand-up meetings, providing updates on project progress and discussing challenges and potential solutions. Collaborated with senior developers to gather requirements and contribute to the design process.

Volunteer Experience

  1. Computer Society of India, GCET Student Branch

    Mentor June 2020 — June 2021

    - Had the responsibility of Publicity of every organized events and maintaining Membership drive along with Coordinating events throughout the tenure.

    Public Relations Representative July 2019 — June 2020

    - Cultivated programming culture among Junior coders by organizing online coding events, sessions on: alumni talks, need-to-know technology and so on.
    - Along with that nurtured subordinate team members in upbringing their interpersonal skills.

  2. Coding Elements, GCET

    Campus Ambassador Feb. 2020 - Aug. 2020

    - Nurtured programming culture on campus by spreading awareness about various programs and courses offered for competetive programming.

My skills

  • JavaScript
  • React Js
  • C/C++
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • Java - Spring Boot


  • snapcraft

    Snap Craft

  • Let Them Cook

    Let Them Cook

  • finance

    Resume Parser

  • finance

    Quick Hire

  • finance

    Dal Community

  • finance

    Task Assigner

  • Covid-19 Tracker

    COVID-19 Tracker

  • Amazon UI Clone

    Amazon UI Clone

  • Netflix UI Clone

    Netflix UI Clone

  • TechKnow Sage

    TechKnow Sage


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